The Artist is a tribute to the B/W silent films of the past.In a way it is a nostalgic trip and makes us revisit those films that we enjoyed even though there were no dialogues in them. Jean Dujardin is the essential silent film actor who has managed to create a niche for himself in that genre. When he is asked to act in talking films(talkies) he refuses to go along with the change whereas his co-star and love rises in the talkies. The film is feel good and has enough light and comic moments courtesy Dujardin to keep you chuckling.
The Artist is a beautiful recreation of the silent era. Presented in a 4:3 aspect ratio and shot in gorgeous black and white, it is presented as a film from the late 1920's would have been presented. But more than just a recreation of the era, Hazanavicius has created here a clever meta-commentary on the history of film and the movement from one technology to another.
Working in the silent format allows the director to cast purely by look and physical ability without needing to worry about language or accent and the results are fantastic. Dujardin takes the lead - and proves that he simply has a remarkably timeless movie star quality to him - while Berenice Bejo glows as Peppy. Also in the mix are John Goodman - a perfect choice as the hard driving studio head - and James Cromwell as George's faithful driver. The entire cast fits perfectly into this world of silent B/W films, everyone adapting their acting styles smoothly to the demands of the format .
Dujardin proves that you do not need dialogues to prove your worthy as an actor,his emotions and expressions spoke volumes and revealed his quality.
This is definitely one film that would surely win some awards mainly because it is brave enough to make a silent film in 2011 and one that actually works because of its actors and the pleasantness of the script and feel good factor. I am sure you will have good laughs while watching this film.