At work, still waiting for a project to come. I hope I get work before my buffer code expires after 8th May.
In the evening, there was a party organized by my flat mate as he is travelling onsite to Oz land this weekend. It was a bit of fun as along with drinks there were snacks aplenty in the form of chicken pakodas. We watched the IPL match which was a nail biter and later on the UCL match between Atleti vs Bayern where Saul scored a sublime goal for At Madrid.
Chicken Biryani was had for dinner which was decent unlike what we get in Kolkata. I was cautious and downed 3 pegs because for some reason rum doesnt suit me and I didnt want to risk being nauseated like last time and moreover it was the middle of the week. Other folks drank to their full contention all through the night till early morning. As usual my bottles were again taken from the fridge but luckily I got up early in the morning once and had managed to fill an empty bottle and put it inside the refrigerator. In this hot&humid weather it is futile to drink anything other than chilled water.
Before the party had started had started watching the Flash episode which I finished later in the night before going to sleep.
The Flash had a filler episode, it was all about people helping each other out, relationship dynamics were explored particularly between Wells and her daughter. Jesse filled in for Caitlin on the team who we saw is held captive in Zoom's den. Killer Frost tried to convince Caitlin to release her so that they can escape together only to betray her. Well Zoom came in on time and killed Frost and reiterating the point that his love for Caitlin is real. Zoom has a big plan and he takes Snow along as he starts on his multi earth domination with Earth 1 being his first stop.
On the other hand Team Flash tries to rescue Wells who has been kidnapped by Griffin Grey, a metahuman with super strength but with a catch-he ages while using up his strength. Once he was 18 yrs old, but in the present state he has become much older. Barry is ready to absorb the punches and the beatings if that means to help the team save Wells. So with some help from Cisco, Jesse and using Atom's alloy in Barry's suit, they eventually take Griffin down. Wells reconciles with his daughter in the end and they share a nice father-daughter moment. In the end Wells promises Barry that he would help him to get back his speed by recreating the experiment that gave him his powers.
Also managed to download latest Agents of Shield episode which I will watch today along with latest Arrow and a western movie which I had heard a lot about - The Proposition.
I had started reading Premendra Mitra's Mejokorta stories and even though I didn't finish the story, the writing was fluid and also it made me want to read further. His writing is usually fun and informative and full of adventure like his Ghonada stories and there might be scares also here because Mejokorta deals with ghosts! I will continue with this today evening along with Zero to One.
The latter is turning out to be a very good non fiction book especially for those who are working professionals and who are interested in creating something new rather than work on reusable code or stuff. Innovation is the way forward for business enterprises these days including start ups. Anything else might lead to saturation because there is nothing new in reusing and modifying existing tech or code. In a competitive market, IT firms will try to leverage the best out of reusability but it wont thrive unless it is creating something new like PayPal, Facebook etc. If the products are similar, it will only rise to competition. For that matter it is better to create a niche market and dominate it, is what the book ascribes. It also talks about optimism, planning etc. Still there are portions to complete but I must say I am enjoying non fiction more than fiction. There is lot of information to assimilate from non fiction books.