Thursday, September 11, 2008

LHC-Big Bang Theory replicated-CERN

From the flagellants of the Middle Ages to the doomsayers of Y2K, humanity has always been prone to good old-fashioned the-end-is-nigh hysteria. The latest cause for concern: that the earth will be destroyed and the galaxy gobbled up by an ever-increasing black hole next week.
Well the experiment had been performed and there was no cause for concerns whatsover.The clockwise rotation of the proton beams was successfully done within an hour as it moved through the LHC.The anti-clockwise motion followed suit.On October 21st the LHC would be officially unveiled following which the two proton beams would be made to collide at high speed thus generating large amount of energy.Of course it might create miniature black holes but there are no cause for concerns as by Hawkin's radiation those black holes would be absorbed by gravitation.

Should we be scared? No. In June, CERN published a safety report, reviewed by a group of external scientists, ruling out the possibility of dangerous black holes. It said that even if tiny black holes were to be formed at CERN — a big if — they would evaporate almost instantaneously due to Hawking Radiation, a phenomenon named for the British physicist Stephen Hawking, whose theories show that black holes not only swallow up the light, energy and matter around them, but also leak it all back out at an accelerating pace. According to Hawking, if tiny black holes occurred at CERN, they would evaporate before they got a chance to do any damage. (Even if Hawking's theories prove to be wrong — no one has yet witnessed black-hole evaporation — scientists at CERN say the LHC's collisions are already known to be harmless: an equivalent amount of energy is produced hundreds of thousands of times a day by cosmic rays colliding with the earth and other objects in the cosmos — always without incident.)

Now what would recreation of what caused Big Bang effect help the scientists and science in particular?
Well it would answer many questions about matter,antimatter,dark matter,about the Higgs boson aka God Particle,about CP violation,quarks and other such phenomenon-it would in essence enable science to answer all those questions that were previously considered to be unanswerable.

Scientists believe the LHC's results will help fill in gaps in the Standard Model, the far-reaching set of equations on the interaction of subatomic particles that is the closest that modern physics comes to a testable "theory of everything." For example, scientists believe the LHC will produce a particle, the Higgs Boson, that will end debate over how matter in the universe acquires mass. It could even provide evidence for more ambitious theories of the universe, such as string theory, which unites quantum mechanics and general relativity, the previously known laws of the small and large that are currently incompatible in the Standard Model.

Well with all the unconfounded fears being allayed,and the world still being intact,CERN should definitely deseve the credit due to them..for having performed the first round of experiments successfully..Hawkins is skeptical that the God Particle would not emerge after the collision...he feels it should better not, as it is going to turn a lot of aspects and principles of science head over..but in the end..its a feat that CERN scientists have accomplished and they deserve the praise that they are getting..

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