Friday, October 3, 2008

Where have all the patriotism gone?

Well just the other day there was a big discussion and it was appalling to note the attitude of few of our next generation youngsters-who calmly were indifferent to the blast victims or for that matter the rampant poverty present in our country.

According to them even if we give a helping hand then it would not make much of a difference as the ills of the nation like corruption, terrorism and poverty would still continue to harangue and torment the citizens of India . However we can’t just lay back and be callous and lackadaisical towards such rampant issues that are hovering over our nation. I am not trying to preach anything but it comes naturally within oneself to help others when they are in need. If it is within your capability I believe one should not hesitate in trying to offer a helping hand.

Let me give you an analogy on this.

Few years back India faced disasters in terms of tsunami as well as the Gujarat earthquake. Now I did not earn that time but my father who was earning contributed to the relief fund. That time it was not within my capability to help the victims so I did not help but wasn’t it unconcerned about the whole thing? The answer is no-my heart reached out to all the victims and I felt that only if I had earned than I too would have contributed something. I didn’t go around claiming that since I cannot do anything about this there is no point for others to do the same-where in fact many NGOs, social organizations had organized charities and funds for the sole purpose of helping out the victims.

Now with the Bihar floods and the fact that I am earning I have contributed to the relief fund and so has my father. This is something that does not need to be taught by someone-it’s not a cultivated trait-the feeling of social responsibility and the helping nature of individuals of doing something for the country. I am not asking people to join the defense force and fight for the country-all that needs to be asked is a small amount of patriotic feeling, a feeling of well being towards our fellow country men.

I have seen and read in papers, articles about people being indifferent about accident hit people dying on the road , or people being thrashed by goons-they just stand and walk away, I don’t understand what debars us from helping them out-is it a sense of fear or a public exposure or has morality been lost completely out here? I know myself and people normally in situations like this would act preemptively and offer a helping hand-even though I might not be strong enough to thrash the goons but at least I can damage control.

The point here is we all complaint about corruption etc and other mitigating factors plaguing the nation but if the attitude of today’s youth is bordered on callousness then the country would further plunge into despair instead of any chances of improvement. We have to remember that it is we who elect the leaders who form the government and if they are corrupt it is our responsibility since we have chosen them. I am not saying like in the film RDB we should be rebels and sacrifice our lives for the country but at the same time we need to do something to weed out these problems that are at the root of our country.

I have heard from today’s youngsters-14-18 year old who do not feel patriotic as others do-so it makes me wonder what needs to be done so that they have some love for the country. The Western influences largely have to do with this mentality as the perennial aping of the West would never go away from the individual’s psyche. We have seen brain drain pretty much rampant now and it is mainly because our education system is flawed-it is not enough to satisfy the needs of an individual who seeks to better his career. I cant blame the people who are going away outside India to study-it is something that the government has to look into and see how can the education be improved in our country-if you have reservations in every premier institution that certainly is not going to help the cause. 

All I am saying is its very easy to say words sitting in your air-conditioned couch that doing anything wont help the over all cause in mitigating the issues but remember that the entire process is cumulative in nature. It is through the combined small efforts of all within each one’s capabilities that the troubles plaguing the nation can be overcome. 

Together we stand divided we fall-it is time to make use of this phrase before it is altogether too late. I am sure being born an Indian there is certain iota of love for the nation-the patriotic feeling is inherent in every one of us.

Remember there are heretics, there are agnostics and there are devouts in India but it’s difficult to accept that there are non patriots in our country.

Dont we all sense a feeling of elation,pride whenever our country does well in sports notably cricket.We all cheer for our players when they do well-be it any sport as had been evident when India won 3 medals at this year's Olympics which also included a gold medal! We all were proud of those who had done our country proud and we held our heads high. Victory in Sports of our counry can instil a sense of nationalistic pride in our country a feeling of patriotism but why cant it be there all the time.Does it really require a push to arouse the dormant feelings in us?

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